Genius X ISPO has ended! Go to Genius X ISPO dashboard
Multi-Token ISPO has ended! Go to Multi-Token ISPO dashboard
logo Multi-Token ISPO by Genius X (Completed) Stake ADA, receive five tokens! Check Rewards
Active stake pools UPDATE: We changed margin fees of the GENS1 pool to 0% (starting epoch 388). GENS1 became a regular stake pool where delegators can earn ADA rewards with minimum fees. If you wish to stay delegated to earn ADA rewards you don't need to do anything, and ADA rewards will be delivered directly to your wallet.
Pool Name Live Stake Active Stake
Please delegate only to the pools listed above! Do not delegate to “GENS” as it's a fake pool, to "GENS2", "GENS3", “GENS4” or "GENSX" which are retired pools, or any other except the four official pools.
WATCH VIDEOS Are you a first-time delegator? Still not sure how to stake your ADA?
We got you covered!
What is the Multi-Token ISPO? This short video will explain the basics and get you up to speed!
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How to delegate ADA using Nami wallet A step-by-step explainer video that shows how to create your Nami wallet and safely delegate ADA to our stake pools Nami wallet arrow
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How to delegate ADA using Eternal wallet A step-by-step explainer video that shows how to create your Eternl wallet and safely delegate ADA to our stake pools Eternl wallet arrow
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Multi-Token ISPO Dashboard (Completed)
Check Your Rewards Enter your stake key and see how many $SMART, $LTY, $HYN, $REACH and $DG tokens you will get! Bonus rewards you have earned are included, if eligible!
Enter your stake key

You will get -
You will get -
You will get -
You will get -
You will get -
Bonus Rewards Earned? -

Total ADA Staked

ISPO Participants:

Total $SMART rewarded

Total $LTY rewarded

Total $REACH rewarded

Total $HYN rewarded

Total $DG rewarded

Multi-Token ISPO Basics
What is an ISPO?

ISPO stands for “Initial Stake Pool Offering”. It’s a new, revolutionary fundraising mechanism that is more fair, inclusive, and secure. It is a unique financing tool that allows the community to support their favorite project without investing their own assets, but instead leveraging Cardano’s native reward incentive structure
Would you like to know more? Read the Genius Academy guide here

What are the benefits of joining the Multi-Token ISPO by Genius X?
  • • Unique opportunity to get tokens from multiple tokens within one ISPO. Delegators get five different tokens for their ADA delegation instead of the typical ISPO where they receive only one token. Operations of the Multi-Token ISPO will be handled by Maestro, a participant in the Genius X Accelerator Program
  • • ADA delegated to a stake pool is non-custodial and therefore the user’s funds never leave their wallet, with the delegator always retaining full control of their funds.
  • • Delegator’s funds are never locked, with the delegator always maintaining the ability to withdraw or transfer their ADA.
  • • ISPOs have no KYC, making them accessible and pseudonymous, as anyone with any amount of ADA and a personal crypto wallet can participate.
  • • ISPOs are also low risk, as the principal of a delegator is never at risk. If the startup fails, delegators only risk losing the potential ~ 4–5% APY in staking rewards.
icon Total Rewards
icon Total Rewards
coin Smart Places: 900 000 000 $SMART
coin Ledgity: 82 800 000 $LTY
coin Outlaws Brawl: 300 000 $HYN
coin Reach: 16 650 000 $REACH
coin Drunken Dragon: 60 000 000 $DG
coin ISPO Launch: September 12th, 2022 (Epoch 363)
coin ISPO End: January 15th, 2023 (Epoch 388)
coin Duration: 4 months (25 Epochs)
Genius X communication disclaimer

This communication has been prepared solely for informational purposes and is subject to change. It should not be relied upon or the basis for making any investment decision or be construed as a recommendation to engage in any transaction or be construed as a recommendation of any investment... Read more

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